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When to Start Decorating your House for the Holiday

As a general rule of thumb, you should put up your holiday decor or change out your seasonal decorations with enough time to enjoy them before the next holiday begins, but not leave them up for so long that they become tired and overdone. However, there are some general rules of thumb that can help you decide when to make those transitions.


The Christmas season rings in weeks of joy and cheer, and if you’re anything like us, you’ll want to decorate as early as possible! If you want to enjoy your fall decorations while making the most of the Christmas decorating season, you can start putting out your decor in mid November. Many people have a tradition of putting their Christmas decorations up immediately after Thanksgiving: stringing up the lights inside and out, putting up the tree (or trees!), and making sure that the Christmas village is perfectly arranged for the holidays.

According to a recent survey of 1,000 Americans, over 40 percent are ready to decorate their home for the festive season well before December. No doubt the pandemic and the curbed or canceled festivities over the last few years have a lot to do with this renewed enthusiasm for festive decorating and celebrating!


Traditionally, the earliest Christmas decorations are put up on the first day of advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas.

However, some traditions dictate that to avoid bad luck you should avoid putting up any decorations before Christmas Eve. In recent years, these traditions have gone out the window, as the decorations are being bought out almost as soon as the Halloween decorations come down.In recent years many have embraced the excitement of Christmas, decorating as soon as Halloween ends on 31st October, or after Thanksgiving which falls on the fourth Thursday of November.

Christmas stock hits the stores at the end of October and this is always really well received by customers, which indicates that people like to start their Christmas planning pretty early! It is true that in many stores, Halloween stock is swiftly swapped out for Christmas stock. It is understandably tempting to bring a bit of all that festive sparkle into your home as soon as it hits your local supermarket/interiors shop.


There is no rulebook where it comes to choosing the right time to decorate. In the past, there may have been some disapproval around early decorating, but our interior experts agree that this is no longer the case.

So, whether you opt for November 1st or December 24th, it's all about your individual preference, and what Christmas means to you. There really is no right answer when it comes to when to put up Christmas decorations.

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